Welcome back to the Sherpa Sheet! A little background on this week's episode. I had initially been scheduled to interview just Dave Roberts for this show, because Amanda Greenwood wasn't sure if she could make it. I had a feeling it would be fun with one or two of them. Luckily, she was able to make it. At first, there was no audio for our interview, but once we got it working, BOOM! Dave and Amanda just got the ball rolling before we even started recording. This was actual conversation:
Dave: Jim, I have to warn you, I'm not wearing any trousers.
Amanda: Me, neither. In fact, I'm wearing my husband's underwear.
Dave: So am I!
Now, I don't know about you, but when you start off like that, I know it's going to be a fun interview. I found it interesting how they found lives and careers for themselves in South Korea. As for me, I get a little nervous if I have to drive into the next county. You can tell throughout the interview, and their podcast, what good friends they are, and they were up to whatever the interview had in store for them. They're the type of people that you could go out to lunch with and come back with as old friends. They certainly were at home at the Sherpa Chalet...with (or without) pants .Plus: Yo! Sup!: The Podcast! Chessboxing-.the Sport of Kings (and Rooks)? Amanda's FitBit gauges the show! An (almost) K-Pop duet with Dave! And, if you are "literally overwhelmed with a case of the Mondays during a 7th inning stretch" these Owls will be looking for you! (I'll be hiding in the Chalet, as a home tonsorial artist.)
Amanda & Dave's Information: Podcast-The Owlish Folk; Website: www.wix.com/theowlishfolk email: theowlishfolk@gmail.com, Social Media: #theowlishfolf (Facebook, Instagram,Twitter
Dave's fave podcasts: Script2Screen; You Are Not So Smart
Amanda's faves: Out of the Past: Investigating Film Noir; Frank Delaney re: Joyce
Sherpa Suggestions:
The Owlish Folk;
The Allusionist;
A Way With Words;
Lexicon Valley
That's it for this week's edition...#VivaLaSherpalution! And enter the contest, ok?
