I guess we could call this edition of the Sherpa Sheet, "When the Sherpa met the Kid". And I certainly was glad to... Under the charge of overusing the word "interesting", I plead guilty, which I guess is better than pleading insanity. I really enjoyed my conversation with Stacy. He really knows a lot about literature, and you could see how much it plays a part in his life. He doesn't just write, he creates-which is what authors aspire to do. He's played so many roles in his life and it doesn't appear that he'll be slowing down for quite some time. Stacy and i spoke about his influences, and how his life has influenced his writing. Plus-the story of Tsoro the Watcher-and what to watch out for in the next season! Stacy's connection to previous guest Susannah Lewis! How cadence helps Stacy write! And what will The Kid read to "the kid", after he makes his debut?
Stacy's info: Podcasts: Jaunts and Faults, Playing In Mindfields; Social Media: stacy.the.kid (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Hollowspace)
Stacy's Podcast Picks: Thornvale, Critical Role, Snap Judgement
Sherpa Suggestions:
Snap Judgement;
The Truth;
Selected Shorts;
The Stoop Storytelling Series;
This American Life;
Jaunts & Faults
Don't forget to listen to the details on how to enter "The Contest"! Also keep an eye out for info on my YouTube channel (Jim the Podcast Sherpa, of course!) Listen and subscribe on anchor.fm, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts/iTunes; Radio Public; Breaker, and a bunch more! (You can see the whole list at anchor.fm. There's like 11 apps...I can't remember them all.) Leave reviews on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher, so people will understand the strange look on your face! Plus you can follow me on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)Please do!! Thanks for listening!
