My interview this week comes back to the States. My talk with Robert Bear was very interesting and educational. I found it particularly amazing that a self professed failed inventor found his success hosting a top-ranked invention podcast. (Is that what they call reinvention?) He gave a lot of great advice in the interview, but there's more to be found on his podcast. He told me that he's happy to make his show his legacy, so future inventors can be successful. So far, so good, Robert! Plus! Apple (Crider) envy! Bunch of Balloons hits it big! An ad-free podcast?? And, if Robert lives by the beach, does he know which sharks will write a check? Robert's info:Website:, email:; podcast: Invention Stories Robert's picks:Inventors Helping Inventors, Business Wars, Too Many Podcasts! (your check is in the mail, Robert :-) Sherpa Suggestions:
Invention Stories;
Shark Preneur;
Patenting For Inventors;
Inventors' Launchpad Network;
Snark Tank
Don't forget to enter the "There Will Be Chocolate" contest, to win a $30.00 sampling of chocolates from Perfection Chocolates. While you're at it, please leave a nice written review on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or iheartradio. Also, if you listen on the anchor,fm app, you can record an intro that just might get used on the voice message feature...or you can leave me a voice message. If there's something you don't like, feel free to email me at I'd love to know what you're thinking! Thanks for checking out the Sherpa Sheet! See you next time!
