Hmmmm....they say you're not supposed to discuss religion in mixed company. But after interviewing Michael Wood, I would think differently. Here's a talented guy, who wears many hats, who uses his talents to present a DAILY podcast of Bible passages. Regardless of what your religion is, his podcast is a well-produced broadcast that you will enjoy, and get a better understanding of the Bible. In this episode, Michael discusses his background and how religion became an important part of his life, and how the podcast has affected him. Also, did Jesus really say "Hold on, I'm recording!"? Bible bloopers! The link between Overwatch and the Bible! And "Dante's Inferno:The Podcast?" I think Facebook might be the fifth level of Hell, so I'm intrigued!
Michael's contact info: Wix webmastery classes on Udemy and SkillShare; (YouTube, Facebook) michael_wood_digital_creative (Instagram)
Michael's favorite podcasts: Start Here, Daily Hope, Core
Sherpa Suggestions for the week:
1-Year Audio Bible Experience;
The 10-Week Bible Study Podcast
The Bible Project
Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
The 1-Year Daily Audio Bible
Exploring My Strange Bible
If you didn't know already, add Apple Podcasts/iTunes and Stitcher to the growing number of platforms where you can hear this podcast. But FINALLY, you can leave reviews for the show on Apple and Stitcher! Nice reviews only, of course... Also, be sure to tune in for the June 5, 2019 show, where you will hear about a contest for the podcast you can enter. (Hint: It's not Publisher's Clearing House.) Could you possibly be a winner? Also, check out my ads on YouTube on my Jim the Podcast Sherpa channel! I'll be discussing that soon, so stay tuned! Thank you for reading the Sherpa Sheet!
