I'll bet some of my previous podcast guests know a thing or two about past life experiences, but something tells me Dr. Lindsay Weisner was a standup comic in a previous life...or maybe will be in a future one? She had me laughing so much during our interview with her quick wit and impeccable comic timing. You get the full effect when you listen to her and her buddy Sharone in their podcast, "Neurotic Nourishment." (This was her dialing it down on my show!) But, swearing or not, she's got a lot of interesting things to say, so I'm sure when her book comes out, it will be a "must-read". Her perspective on life is simply fascinating. You would think that someone who counsels depressed and suicidal patients would see such a dark side of the world; instead, she shows you that there's always hope and light. There are no illusions here, though-she calls it as she sees it. She told me she likes podcasting because it gives her the chance to meet new people....but this time, the pleasure was all mine. Here's hoping we get to work together again. While I'm still older than her....
Lindsay's info: Podcast-Neurotic Nourishment; Twitter-@PsychShrinkMom; Instagram-@pyschshrinkmom, @neuroticnourishment, #tenstepstofindinghappy
Lindsay's faves-Jillian's Podcast, Five Guys, Cultivated Conversations; Cheesecake & Crying, Coffee Meets Vodka
Sherpa Suggestions:
The Overwhelmed Brain;
Happiness Spells;
The Science of Happiness'
Happiness at Work;
Earn Your Happy;
Happiness Abound
That's it for The Sherpa Sheet this week. I've got interesting shows coming your way. Catch my interview with Brandon, co-host of "10ish" next week. Maybe I'll do a Top 10 for that week...hmmm, how about "Top 10 numbers under 11?" See you then! #VivaLaSherpalution!
